About Us

Kuwait Institute for Training and engineering simulations (KITES) was founded in 2019 in Kuwait and specializes in engineering solutions and simulations along with providing training for engineering software usage. KITES aims to abridge the gap between computer aided design and analysis and current practice in common engineering firms and offices. With expertise in civil, mechanical, chemical and environmental sciences, KITES brings together a unique group of experts and professionals that provide consultation services to companies and government agencies alike. Luxury Replica Handbags for Womena and Men, available at https://replicabag.is. By employing high performance computing and simulation software KITES promises its clients and partners efficient designs and customer solutions for their engineering problems. In addition, KITES is a platform for advocating advanced engineering research and training in computer-based problem solving for problems in all engineering disciplines. Along with its world-renowned partners, KITES acts as a regional distributor and licensor for advanced modeling software for engineering simulations.

Who We Are

​ Get to Know Our Founders

Fawaz Al-Turki

General Manager, Co-Founder

Fawaz Al-Turki

" Lead corporate expert and control engineer. Fawaz is a mechanical engineering by training from Kuwait University and is a SixSigma green belt. Fawaz is ISO-9001 certified and is our lead management & product marketing expert."

Ahmad Al-Naseem

CEO, Co-Founder

Ahmad Al-Naseem

" A computational mechanics expert by practice and training with a PhD in civil engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in the US. Ahmad is our Lead expert in numerical method in solid and structural mechanics. "

Mohammad Abotaleb

CFO, Co-Founder

Mohammad Abotaleb

" An environmental engineer by practice and trained Mohammad holds a PhD in environmental engineering and sciences Purdue University. Mohammad, is environmental activist and our lead sustainability and life cycle assessment (LCA) expert."

Abdullah Al-Shaya

CSO, Co-Founder

Abdullah Al-Shaya

" A mechanical engineer by practice and trained mathematician Abdullah holds a PhD in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in the US along with dual Masters in mechanics and mathematics. Abdullah, is our Lead expert in mathematical programming mechanical system design and optimization. "
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